
Precision Machining (CNC) Machinist

以认证生产技术员证书为基础, 精密加工证书的六个等级侧重于计算机数字控制(CNC)自动化机械,用于从金属中生产零件, plastic, or other materials. CNC machinists make adjustments to control capacity, perform periodic checks, 检查成品,确保为下一步生产做好准备.

student working on machinery

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不要用这个学位计划代替指导老师. 在每学期注册课程之前,一定要和导师讨论你完成课程的具体需求.
First Semester Details
CAD 101 Introduction to Drafting and Blueprint Reading for CAD Details 3
向学生介绍基本的工具和技术,需要在绘图和蓝图阅读专业应用于CAD. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
FYE 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, 本课程提供了向高等教育文化的支持性过渡. 课程目标旨在通过获得有效的学习技巧,并了解可用于学术和个人成长的大学资源,为学生的大学生活做好准备. This course also develops students' abilities, 这将帮助他们应对复杂的大学生活.
Prerequisites: (none)
MAT 100 Technical Mathematics Details 3
一门旨在涵盖与职业相关的数学过程和问题的课程, technical and workforce applications. Specific topics include fractions; decimals, ratio, proportion and percentage; measurements; and area and volume.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 103 Introduction to Manufacturing Maintenance Details 2
本课程提供制造中使用的工具和设备的基本知识,以及如何通过预测性和预防性维护来提高生产率的知识. 课程内容是基于制造技能标准委员会(MSSC)认证生产技术员课程. 学生将有资格通过MSSC参加MSSC- m4 -维护意识认证.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 104 Quality/Continuous Improvement Details 3
本课程介绍了如何在制造环境中控制和提高质量. 它探讨了制造商使用数据和分析来提高质量的方法,并向学生介绍了精益制造技术. 课程内容是基于制造技能标准委员会(MSSC)认证生产技术员课程. 学生将有资格通过MSSC参加MSSC- m2 -质量和持续改进认证.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 113 Introduction to Manufacturing & Industrial Safety Details 3
本课程向学生介绍制造业,并提供具体的指导,以促进工业环境中的安全工作实践. 它引入了制造专业化,如机电一体化, precision machining and welding and covers fire safety, pressurized gases, electrical hazards, safe machine usage, and lock out tag out. Students learn concepts of industrial noise, machine guarding, electrical safety, chemical exposure, hazardous waste, Worker's Compensation laws, liability, and general safety precautions for the workplace. 课程内容基于制造技能标准委员会(MSSC)认证生产技术员课程和OSHA标准. 学生将有资格通过MSSC参加MSSC- m1安全认证.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 135 Precision Machining I Details 3
This course provides an overview of machining processes. 本课程介绍了各种各样的规划技能, machining and finishing of metal products. Students develop basic skills in the use of hand tools, drill press, band saw, engine lathe, vertical milling machine and related equipment. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite/Corequisite: MFG 113
Second Semester Details
CAD 230 Introduction to the Manufacturing Processes Details 3
使学生熟悉生产过程的以下方面:材料控制, production control, material handling, quality and cost controls, purchasing procedures, and the J-I-T process. 学生将有资格参加MSSC-M3 -制造过程和生产认证.
Prerequisites: (none)
MFG 106 CNC Turning Details 3
学生将获得一份蓝图,并负责编程, editing, 以及选择刀具在计算机数控车削中心上制造成品零件. 学生将编程,设置和生产成品零件. 本课程包括生产快速成品零件的编程以及生产零件所需的所有文件. 该课程旨在满足国家金属加工技能研究所(NIMS) 1级数控铣削认证. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 111 or consent of department
MFG 111 CNC Milling Details 4
Students will learn to program, edit, 并使用计算机数控(CNC)加工中心生产成品. 本课程将从基本的编程方法开始,并推进到更复杂的编程代码. 学生将负责在规定的公差范围内建立和生产成品零件. 该课程旨在满足国家金属加工技能研究所(NIMS) 1级数控铣削认证. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours.
Prerequisites: MFG 135 or consent of department
MFG 235 Precision Machining II Details 3
本课程提供了一个工作,动手加工过程. 本课程介绍了金属产品加工和精加工的各种技能. Students develop basic skills in the use of hand tools, drill press, band saw, engine lathe, vertical milling machine and related equipment. Not everyone will pass the NIMS testing; this does not mean you will fail the class. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: MFG 135 or consent of department
MFG 250 Physical Metallurgy Details 3
Introduction to the properties of metals, effects of metals in various forms and shapes, thermal treatments, phase diagrams, 材料科学原理,包括原子和晶体排列及其对机械性能的影响. 实验室工作将包括通过动手检查测试黑色金属和有色金属.
Prerequisites: (none)

有报酬的就业:更多beta365毕业率的信息, cost, the median debt of students who complete the program, and other information, please view our Gainful Employment information for the particular certificate of study.